Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Against My Curiosity

via: deviantart

Tuhan telah memberi banyak karuniaNYa kepada tiap manusia, dan juga halnya rasa ingin tahu yang termasuk didalamnya..sesuatu yang wajar ketika manusia memiliki perasaan tersebut, bayangkan bila tidak ada rasa ingin tahu,,mungkin tidak akan adanya berbagai penemuan-penemuan penting yang dihasilkan manusia sampai detik ini..

tapi di satu sisi, rasa ingin tahu juga memiliki sisi negatif didalamnya(at least that what i feel now --") when my curiosity just trap me on a black hole that make me going nowhere with all the weird feeling..come on, make me wake up on my dreams!!Slap me.. *plak.. okay, thats too hurt :(
you know what i did? i just pull back my old memory in one of my doors machine that i just put haram on it so no one will open it..
Okay, i'm just a human like you all that have curiosity that planted on everyone's body. Again i looked at her with all the mess that she does.. i open it secretly outside but hardly inside..just doing couch and fast to avoid people to know what i'm doing..

err...need to pump my mood hardly before it going sink now,,
take a deep breath..hosh..hosh..hosh...
*run away from her door that i forget to closed...

images by: AndreyBobir "Door of Consciousness"

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