Sunday, June 14, 2009

"there's some reason for everthing that happen in my life"

hell yeagh,,
finally semester ini kelar juga..
(let me take a deep breath first..)
after long journey dengan segala kemalasan dan pesakitan yang diderita,
sekarang semua dah bebas..(even not realy free ^^, there's still alot of job wating on my desk now..damn!!)

mmh..why this body never feel fit for these few week. dont know why but theres something i think even i always try try to learn how to live healty like sikat gigi 2x sehari, makan 3 kali sehari(or even more), mandi 2x sehari, minum air putih yg banyak, and try to drink milk everyday ^^..
i do it just to make my body fit..dah cape rasanya sakit trs gini..

hmm,,weekend ini..?what things that i've done..
after i cancelled to go out camping with my college friend and cancelled to go to solo but i think i've learned something..
"there's some reason for everthing that happen in my life"
haha..sok2an bgt tu kata, but its trus..
alot of thing thats came suddenly and it always have benang merah with another thing that happen before or after..quite ridiculous, but i think its true..

oh yeagh..akhir2 mulai tertarik dengan godaan si setan laknat..
heuheu..emank tu makhluk udah ditakdirin buat goda manusia,but i alwsy try to ignore it..( i need ur help GOD..) matter what i've done, i will always do it just for my happines..!!

1 comment:

Meidhan Fidelia said...

ciee apdet22..
lanjutkan.. ;)